Privacy Policy

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the users of our website. The privacy policy listed in the following lines concerns all the aspects of the privacy and user policy of our current affairs portal, and its visitors who use it to enhance their job preparation. This privacy policy tells you the provisions related to the website and the information mentioned under the various headings.

All the information mentioned here on the website is collected from some of the most reputed and trusted news sources in the country. However, we do not hold any responsibility for any difference in the actual event and the news mentioned here. If any differences are found between the actual news event and the news published here, it would only be considered as a human mistake and we would not be liable to pay for any damages or harms caused by the same. We encourage all the users to check the facts mentioned here from the official websites so that the chances of any discrepancies are minimal and negligible.

We may collect your information such as the email address and other contact information from time to time in order to offer you the best possible services by taking into account your preferences and desires. But we do not intend to use that data for any marketing services. Also, we do not intend to sell the information to any third party. Most of the information that the users furnish is solely used for the purpose of enhancing our understanding of the users’ requirements. A better understanding and knowledge about the exact needs of all or visitors also gives us the chance to deliver unparalleled services. The information is used for the following reasons -

  • Maintaining an Internal Record for our reference
  • We can upgrade our services and enhance all our serviceability based on the information provided by our users of our website
  • It gives us a chance to ensure a better customization of our online portal, which is based on the user’s area of interests

However, if you mention your personal information in the open comment section of the website, it can be used by others for their personal motives. In such a case, the company is not liable to pay any damages to the user. We strictly advise the users to refrain from sharing their personal information in the open comment section of the website.

Let it be understood that the company is the sole and the legal copyright holder of all the information, data, layout, other graphics and the logos of the company which have been used on the domain. The company intends to do all within its limits in order to safeguard its intellectual property, the rights of the users and the company itself, the employees of the company and all the other associated members of the portal. The company will not hold back even if it means taking the legal route.

Any the content which is mentioned on our website is subject to change without any prior notice to our customers. We shall not be liable for your access to information and materials on the website. All the users and visitors of the website are required to ensure that the data, services and other information of our portal is as per their individual needs and requirements.

In order to enhance your experience and provide you the most updated and holistic dose of current affairs, our website may include certain hyperlinks which redirect you to websites of different organizations. These links are provided from time to time, just to help our users. Let this be understood that this is not our endorsement or advertisement of any of those said websites or the portals. All our efforts are aimed at offering convenience to our users. We should not be held responsible for any information provided by those online portals or the websites.

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