About Us

We aim to act as a one stop solution to all the current affair needs of the students preparing for different government jobs and other related exams. With an unlimited amount of information available on the internet, it is extremely time-taking for the candidate to pick and choose the most useful news, thus wasting his or her precious time. To help the candidates, we pick the most significant current affair news from the exam’s point of view and present it to the candidates so that they can consume it without having to worry about any other site.

Some of the exams that we aim to cover on our website include the Bank examinations, the SSC exam, UPSC, BPSC, UPPSC, RPSC, MPPPSC, WBPSC and all the other state civil services examinations. Apart from these, the current affairs given on this website can also be useful in exams such as the RBI B-grade exam, the LIC AAO exam, the SIDBI exam, UCIO exam and many others. Apart from the monthly current affair capsules, we also present daily or weekly quizzes so that the candidates get hands on practice on the questions that he or she is likely to face in the examinations.  

All our current affairs are grouped into specific categories, thus giving you a chance to pick the kind of news you wish to read, thus saving a lot of your time. We strive to include all the possible news events happening in India and around the world in all aspects. Our coverage of the current affairs is short, crisp and to the point – just as you would require for your examinations. Our sole motive behind this website is to help you prepare better for your examination in a lesser amount of time with the help of smart preparation.

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